Love Doesn't Ask Why


2 a.m., where do I begin?

Crying off my face again

The silent sound of loneliness

Wants to follow me to bed...

Jude (Sad to Dance in an Empty Room) 15.11.2015 22:19

Agreed Sad, but Beautiful, I AM DANCING SLOWLY IN AN EMPTY ROOM, I know the feeling :(

Colleen♥ 15.11.2015 20:47

Beautifully Sad, not much more to say, Beautifully Sad :(

Latest comments

05.12 | 16:23

Love your Christmas Site Cindi, Beautiful, as always♥ Christmas Love...

01.12 | 18:57

WOW ~ VERY BEAUTIFUL!!! Happy Holidays♥

29.08 | 03:01

Are you alive?

07.08 | 07:47